MfSF Enrolment

Your child's school has recommended that you enrol your child for lessons, which is great!

Hopefully you have already read all about the different enrolment options available, both in terms of the instruments children can learn and the different packages that you can choose from.  If you haven't yet decided, please use the links below:



Lessons cost £25.50 per 3 lessons (paid for monthly, with the exception of July and August when no payments are taken).  30 lessons are given in each full academic year.  This is adjusted for pupils starting part-way through a year.

At the moment, we cannot accept enrolments for your school through our normal online process, but if you have decided which instrument and which package you need, just fill in the form below and we will add your child to our system.

Once the form is completed, you will be asked to register with our Direct Debit provider GoCardless for your future lesson payments (no payments are taken until lessons are scheduled, but we cannot add pupils to the timetable until payment details are confirmed).

If you have any queries, please do Contact Us, otherwise just fill in the details below and we look forward to starting your child on their musical journey!